Sunday, August 14, 2011

Whos better - Ezio or Altair (ins Creed)?

Altair hands down. Altair was trained to be an in since he first started walking (Ezio was WAY behind, starting at 17), Altair became Grand Master before he was even 30 years old, Altair actually had his ring finger removed (Even though Ezio was willing, Altair actually went through it), Altair was more skilled with weapons and had more experience (Yes Ezio had better weapons but Altair designed them), and Altair didn't let the Apple of Eden get into Templar hands while it was in his possession (Ezio lost it like 3 times), and Altair never spared his targets' lives (Ezio spared Rodrigo, which in turn bit him in the *** by causing him to lose the Apple of Eden, cause Monteriggioni to get attacked, and have his uncle killed).

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